WNYC’s Leonard Lopate

Posted November 30th, 2010 by Thanassis Cambanis and filed in A Privilege to Die

Today Leonard Lopate had me on his show, for a gracious, informed and detailed interview about Hezbollah, the current state of the Middle East, and A Privilege to Die. Lopate knows the subject well, and he pushed hard on Hezbollah’s relationship to Lebanon’s unique context. Audiences at book talks are often interested in questions like “What do they want from Israel?” or “Do they want to establish an Islamic state?” Much tougher to answer are the specific, granular questions: How does Hezbollah woo supporters, how does it exercise power, what will it do when its monopoly of force is challenged?

You can listen to the segment from The Leonard Lopate show here on the WNYC site.

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