Month: May 2010

Off the Derech

BY JEFFREY BERMAN I walked into his Bushwick duplex a little earlier than most of the other guests. My host apologized that everyone was running late. Still, he said, hopefully we would start soon. I wasn’t offered a drink on…

Taxi Power

BY ALEX VILLARINO Last time I visited Mexico City I noticed something different in the streets. Instead of the traditional green, beaten-up VW beetles, taxicabs were brand new Nissan Tsuru models painted gold and red. In 2008 those green taxicabs…

El Parche: Art to Change Colombia

BY STIG ARILD PETTERSEN The smiling face of a tanned young woman with short black hair suddenly peeps out of the apartment door next to the bell I’ve just rung. She’s Olga and I’m Stig and we’re both happy to…

In Colombia the price of a life is $770

BY STIG ARILD PETTERSEN Luz Marina Bernal straightens the sheet on the top of the bunk bed in the narrow, florescent-lit room. “This is where I last saw my son alive,” she says calmly. “When the rest of us came…

The Lost Boys Vote

BY STEPHEN GRAY The gunfire, explosions and screams coming from his village convinced Peter it was time to flee. Concealed by the falling dusk, he escaped into the woods, leaving his family, his village in Southern Sudan, and his childhood…

Forensics of Darfur

BY SABRINA MONDSCHEIN What Mohammed Ahmed did in Darfur did not sound revolutionary, but it may have cost him the chance to return home.  One by one, he and a handful of colleagues at their Nyala clinic documented each case…

Exiled From Iran

BY JEFFREY BERMAN Behzad Yaghmaian, an Iranian author and economist living in New York City, last visited Iran in 1998. Unlike previous trips home, this time Yaghmaian knew this time that returning to Iran again would be difficult, perhaps impossible.…