Month: October 2019

We Should Have Left Before it was Too Late

BY DOMINICK TAO Even decades after the Cambodian Civil war and the genocidal rule of the Khmer Rouge, Tek Hout Tao could never escape the guilt of following a friend’s decision to stay instead of run. The war crept toward…

How To Make Trolls and Intimidate People

BY SHRUTI MANIAN Part 1: The Gatekeepers Campus security and police officers swarmed the University of Hyderabad campus as students staged a protest calling for the University Vice Chancellor’s arrest. University officials barred activists and journalists from entering the public…


BY S’HA SIDDIQI My grandparents’ story isn’t particularly novel. It is the shared experience of millions of Pakistanis and Indians who have yet to come to terms with the full extent of injury – both physical and emotional – that…

Determined Optimism in Protracted Conflict

BY JILLIAN TIMKO I first met Liran Braude during orientation week at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs. He grinned, shook my hand, and then kindly demonstrated the correct pronunciation of his name, “Lee-run,” by pumping his arms up…