Day: December 22, 2023

Larry and Margaret

Larry and Margaret were one of the few lucky couples of the Vietnam War to return to each other’s arms earlier than expected, but tragedy found a way back to them in the form of Margaret’s untimely death Margaret and…

Who Is to Blame for Kenyan doping?

Kenya’s once famed elite running programme is under increased scrutiny as the extent of doping comes to light. By Helena Hussey Over the past 50 years Kenyan athletes have come to dominate long-distance running; yet, what started with a generation…

A Labor of Love. 

New York City passes a new policy targeting soon-to-be parents with limited income and offering more support during birth. Kohn and baby Louisa in Brooklyn, NY. Source: Kohn By Kaitlyn Conway Nataleigh Kohn, 33, of Hudson, New York, gave birth…

Out of North Korea — Breaking the Golden Chain 

Hyun Seung Lee, born into North Korea’s privileged elite, chose to abandon his life of luxury and security, embarking on a perilous journey towards freedom and a new identity. By Terry Cao The Privileged Life From a very young age,…

Did you know shoes had a role to play in war ? 

From Barefoot to shoe-bearer, the story behind a family’s NGO donating shoes to children victims of the ongoing war in DRC.   Emmanuel Ntibonera in the US in 2021. Source : Ketura Boko By Ketura Boko  Emmanuel, ten years old,…

The Loss of Belonging

Resurging Islamophobia in response to the conflict in Gaza has Nour Bilal reconsidering her newfound sense of home in the US By Abigail Bennett Nour Bilal’s past experiences with the police in her home country of Syria have all led…

Mom, You’re Home

My mom, Nasrin Waris {L} and grandmother, Nurjan Begum {R} in Bangladesh Source: Tasfia Arshad By Tasfia Arshad Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. ‘Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we will all return’. At the time of…