Category: Uncategorized

No Refuge

BY NICOLE SCHILIT Maya Paley’s cell phone rings frequently but when she answers the call the person on the other line will immediately hang up.  Instead of getting annoyed Maya calls the person right back.  “It’s usually only the refugees…

Once a Marine

BY LAUREN SCHULZ NEW YORK – I met Allen Striffler for the first time on the steps of the New York Athletic Club in the fall of 2009.  We had both just left a gala where Allen was being honored. …

Imperfect Marriage: Amnesty and Cageprisoners

SARIKA BANSAL Finding the perfect organizational partner can be tricky.  Human rights groups are no exception to this.  To be effective, they often must work with other groups, including NGOs, for-profit companies, and even autocratic governments.  Some partnerships work beautifully,…

The Music Man of Grozny

BY MATT LUCAS Somewhere in the lost alleyways of Grozny, if you know the right place to go, you can hear Ruslan play his old records from before the wars.  Zeppelin, Hendrix, Marley, the great jazzmen, the blues.  According to…